Puget Sound Pledge

Join the Movement to Protect Puget Sound

We're in this Together

The Puget Sound ecosystem is in trouble as indicated by imperiled orcas and the declining Chinook salmon that are their primary food source. Now leading companies and institutions are committing to taking action to protect water quality and wildlife habitat in tributaries across Puget Sound. Take the Puget Sound Pledge on behalf of your organization. Then join one of our virtual sector-based meetings to help turn your commitment into action.

Take the Pledge by November 10, 2021

With so many pledges coming in, we've extended the deadline to Nov 10. To take the Pledge, simply select three or more of the actions. Not ready to make that level of commitment? Start with even a single action. Three organizations with high-level commitments will be selected for an eco charrette with Salmon-Safe's independent science team. Please fill the form below by November 10 to officially join the Pledge.

How We Use Data

Any information your provide will be entirely confidential and used only for the purposes of the Pledge. Salmon-Safe does not share lists.

Follow Up Notes

Interested in a complimentary individual action session with Salmon-Safe to discuss pledge options for your company or organization?

Schedule an individual Pledge action session

Leading The Way to a Healthy Puget Sound