Friday, April 2 2021
At this week’s virtual LIVE annual meeting of environmentally innovative Pacific Northwest winegrowers, Salmon-Safe presented our 2021 Hero of Salmon award to Ron Bitner of Idaho’s Bitner Vineyards for holistic and low input farming practices that protect water quality in the Snake River watershed while improving the health of the soil… [Read Article]
Friday, January 17 2020
For people on Canada’s West Coast, the Pacific salmon has long been not only a primary food source, but also… [Read Article]
At today’s LIVE annual meeting of northwest winegrowers in Newberg, Oregon, we presented our 2019 Hero of Salmon award to… [Read Article]
At today’s LIVE annual meeting of northwest winegrowers we presented our 2018 Hero of Salmon award to Lowell Ford of… [Read Article]
Demeter, the U.S. certifier for Biodynamic® agriculture and products, today joined with Salmon-Safe, one of the nation’s leading regional eco-labels,… [Read Article]
Just in time for the holidays we've wrapped up vineyard site assessment season and now we're adding to the Salmon-Safe… [Read Article]
Thursday, April 24 2014
Today Salmon-Safe presented our “Hero of Salmon” award to Oregon's Van Duzer Vineyards for exceptional work in protection of landscape-level… [Read Article]