Salmon-Safe’s accreditation is the nation’s first independent accreditation program to recognize construction professionals’ excellence in water quality protection practices.
As a practice-based approach, Salmon-Safe accreditation for construction companies is engaging the Northwest’s leading contractors in consistently applying best construction site management practices with the goal of achieving zero sediment runoff across their entire operation.
First piloted by the Washington operation of Turner Construction, Salmon-Safe has accredited leading contractors in the Pacific Northwest: GLY, Howard S. Wright, Sellen, Exxel Pacific, W.G. Clark, Venture General Contracting, Skanska, Abbott Construction, Korsmo Construction, Andersen Construction, Absher Construction, BNBuilders, Hoffman Construction, Lydig Construction, and JTM Construction.
Salmon-Safe’s developer accreditation is the nation’s first independent accreditation program to recognize developer excellence in water quality protection at a firm-wide level.
Salmon-Safe accreditation recognizes environmentally innovative developers who commit to implementing Salmon-Safe principles around onsite stormwater treatment and other core standards where feasible, even if not all of the sites they are constructing will necessarily be eligible for Salmon-Safe certification.
Salmon-Safe’s designer accreditation is a commitment by professionals in a design practice to key principles related to urban watershed stewardship.
Through thoughtful site planning, implementation of low impact design solutions and use of eco-friendly materials, site designers have the opportunity to contribute to the restoration of our urban watersheds. In this latest in a series of accreditation programs from Salmon-Safe, we seek to partner with design consultants working on buildings, streets, parking areas, and related infrastructure with the intention of protecting downstream water quality and habitat while helping to restore urban ecological function.