Salmon-Safe infrastructure standards are designed for mass transit, neighborhood scale stormwater treatment, green street, municipal water system, bridge, and other large-scale projects.
Salmon-Safe’s latest certification initiative is comprehensive green street design and infrastructure development standards that integrate the principles of low impact development (LID) site design while focusing on the reduction of nonpoint source pollution and the areas of habitat vulnerability most critical to the survival of salmonids.
Certification Process
For a site to be eligible for certification, an agency or project proponent must demonstrate a commitment to going beyond regulatory compliance to reduce and address the impacts of the proposed infrastructure project on sensitive aquatic and natural resources.
Salmon-Safe provides design review, construction-phase pollution prevention verification, and guidance related to longterm project operation.
The certification evaluation is conducted by a science team of qualified, independent experts hired by Salmon-Safe.
Salmon-Safe infrastructure project certification is valid for five years.
Interested in Infrastructure Certification?
Fill out this form if you’d like to be Salmon-Safe Certified for Large-scale Infrastructure.
A project lead will reach out to you as soon as possible.
Featured Projects
City of Portland (Mayor’s Salmon-Safe Challenge City-Wide Assessment)
Portland, OR (Willamette River watershed)
Sea-Tac International Airport
Seatac, Washington (Puget Sound watershed)
Vancouver International Airport (YVR)
Vancouver, WA (Fraser River watershed)