We're in this Together
Kevin (AKA Salmon Scrib) has worked for decades with farmers, Tribes, and scientists to restore the Columbia River ecosystem and return native salmon to tributaries across the basin. Now farmers, companies, and institutions are committing to taking action to protect water quality and wildlife habitat in tributaries across the Columba Basin. Join Kevin in taking Columbia River Pledge on behalf of your farm or organization and help lead the way to a healthier river.
The Pledge Commitments
Action 1
Commit to Soil Health
Increase soil health and water retention and climate resiliency through increasing organic matter through cover crops and compost, shift towards reduced tillage or no-till planting.
Action 2
Commit to Water Quality Protection
Implement cultural and biological controls to reduce pesticide applications, applying IPM practices, phasing out chemistries harmful to fish and wildlife.
Action 3
Commit to Water Conservation
Select drought tolerant crops for a changing climate conditions, upgrade irrigation systems, and consider leasing excess water rights for conservation.
Action 4
Commit to Biodiversity Enhancement
Maintain native and/or beneficial habitat for insects and wildlife within fields and field margins. Implement crop rotation to support beneficial insects.
Action 5
Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Many Columbia River tributaries have restoration plans focused on conservation of native fish. By getting involved in your watershed via your conservation district, watershed council, or other local organization, your farm can join others in incorporating these considerations in farming operations over time.
Action 1
Commit to Rain Gardens and other Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
Contaminated stormwater runoff is one of the biggest sources of pollution in the Columbia Basin. By dispersing and infiltrating stormwater on site through green infrastructure approaches like rain gardens, green roofs, and even planting trees, your organization can significantly reduce downstream impacts and enhance site climate resiliency.
Action 2
Commit to Protecting Water Quality During Construction
Implement construction site pollutant control and runoff protection measures that achieve zero sediment discharge. Protect and salvage healthy native soils, vegetation, and habitat.
Action 3
Commit to Water Conservation
Climate change is affecting the quantity and quality of water available for downstream fish and wildlife. Install rainwater harvest systems to balance water budgets. Limit water demand by selecting native and drought-tolerant vegetation adopted to site conditions and climate.
Action 4
Commit to Pesticide-Free or Low Input Landscaping
Implement low input land management practices that are embedded in site management guidelines or landscape contractor agreements in addition to a preference in new plantings for native species over ornamentals or non-natives.
Action 5
Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Many Columbia River tributaries have restoration or recovery plans focused on conservation of native fish. By getting involved in your watershed, your organization can incorporate these considerations in site development planning and operations.
Action 1
Commit to Salmon-Safe, Organic, and other Conservation-Focused Sourcing
Sourcing certified hops, malts, and wine grapes sends a powerful marketplace signal that there is demand for ecologically sustainable and climate resilient growing practices on Columbia Basin farms.
Action 2
Commit to Pesticide-Free or Low Input Landscaping
Implement low input land management practices that are embedded in site management guidelines or landscape contractor agreements in addition to a preference in new plantings for native species vs. ornamental/nonnatives.
Action 3
Commit to Water Conservation
In recognition of changing climate conditions, implement further water conservation in brewery operations and site landscaping.
Action 4
Commit to Featuring Salmon-Safe logo or other Certifications in Packaging
Featuring the Salmon-Safe or other third party certifications in packaging allows consumers to vote with their dollars for environmental values including a cleaner and more climate resilient Columbia River.
Action 4
Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Consider hosting local conservation nonprofits in your winery, distillery or brewery space or joining in collab beer partnerships highlighting Salmon-Safe hops and malts that benefit local conservation causes.
Action 1
Commit to Rain Gardens and other Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management during campus retrofits or expansion
Contaminated stormwater runoff is one of the biggest sources of pollution in the Columbia Basin. By shifting to approaches that disperse and infiltrate stormwater on site through green infrastructure approaches like rain gardens, green roofs, and even planning threes, your campus can significantly reduce downstream impacts and improve site climate resiliency.
Action 2
Commit to Protecting Water Quality During Construction
Implement construction site pollutant control and runoff protection measures that achieve zero sediment discharge. Protect and salvage healthy native soils, vegetation, and habitat.
Action 3
Commit to Water Conservation
Climate change is affecting the quantity and quality of water available for downstream fish and wildlife. Install rainwater harvest systems to balance water budgets. Limit water demand by selecting native and drought-tolerant vegetation adopted to site conditions and climate.
Action 4
Commit to Pesticide-Free or Low Input and Habitat-Friendly Landscaping
Implement low input land management practices that are embedded in site management guidelines or landscape contractor agreements. Consider habitat-friendly landscape plantings to encourage birds, bats, pollinators, and other wildlife.
Action 5
Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Many Columbia River tributaries have restoration or recovery plans focused on conservation of native fish. By getting involved in your watershed, your institution can incorporate these considerations in site development planning and operations.
Action 1
Commit to Salmon-Safe sourcing
Sourcing certified ingredients sends a powerful marketplace signal that there is demand for ecologically produced and more climate resilient crops in the Columbia basin.
Action 2
Commit to Pesticide-Free or Low Input Landscaping
Implement low input land management practices that are embedded in site management guidelines or landscape contractor agreements in addition to a preference in new plantings for native species over ornamentals or non-natives.
Action 3
Commit to Water Conservation
In recognition of changing climate conditions, implement further water conservation in production operations and site landscaping. Limit water demand by selecting native and drought-tolerant vegetation adopted to site conditions and climate.
Action 4
Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Many Columbia River tributaries have restoration or recovery plans focused on conservation of native fish. Consider getting involved in your watershed through stream cleanup days, engaging with local conservation organizations, or other actions.
Action 1
Commit to Sourcing Environmentally Certified Products
Sourcing Salmon-Safe certified ingredients and products sends a powerful marketplace signal that there is demand for ecologically produced and climate resilient crops from the Columbia basin.
Action 2
Commit to Promoting Salmon-Safe and other Certified Options at Point-of-Sale
Consumers will vote with their dollars to support ecologically sustainable, more climate resilient, and locally-sourced options. By promoting Salmon-Safe and other environment products in-store, you are helping educate consumers and reward growers investing in conservation practices.
Action 3
Host In-Store Events & Commit to Getting Involved in your Watershed
Host in-store conservation-focused events highlighting environmentally certified and climate resilient products from the region and local farmers. Also consider getting involved in your watershed through stream cleanup days, engaging with local conservation organizations, or other actions.
Take the Pledge
To take the Pledge, simply select one or more of the action for your sector. Not sure about your level of commitment? Start with a single action. Please fill the form below to officially join the Pledge.
How We Use Data
Any information your provide will be entirely confidential and used only for the purposes of the Pledge. Salmon-Safe does not share lists.
Follow Up Notes
Interested in a complimentary individual session with Salmon-Safe to discuss pledge options for your farm, company, organization?
Schedule an individual Pledge session