A guest blog from Isabella “Izzy” Giacobbe, 11th grade student
As a student at The Bush School, a private K-12 school located in the Denny-Blaine neighborhood of Seattle, I have been taught the importance of contributing to our communities and making a difference in the world. For me, those principles manifest through my passion for the environment and environmental activism. When I learned that Bush was collaborating with Salmon-Safe on our new upper school building, I knew I wanted to get involved.
During these past few weeks I have been interning with the Salmon-Safe team to create social media messages and content that will inform and inspire The Bush School community to learn more about how our everyday actions impact the environment and how Salmon-Safe certifications contribute to watershed health.
Here are a few of the messages I created:
Additionally, the Bush upper school Environmental Science class, taught by Laura LeBlanc, created signage showcasing the importance of Salmon-Safe certification to The Bush School and how the water management system will be implemented on campus to prevent harmful water runoff.
The campus-wide maintenance practices include a green roof, bioretention planters, and a runoff draining system. These implementations will ensure protection of the health of the local watersheds and the habitats they provide.
The Bush School’s decision to work with Salmon-Safe is noteworthy, making Bush the first ever K-12 school to become Salmon-Safe certified. I am so proud to be part of a community that takes measures to put the environment first, and I hope to see more biocentric actions taken in the future.