How about a late summer road trip to the Methow Valley? Please join us for Washington Water Project of Trout Unlimited’s fabulous Feast of Field and Stream on Sunday, September 2, at Methow Valley Ciderhouse! The dinner will showcase farms participating in TU’s rapidly expanding Inland Northwest Salmon-Safe project, including Hard Row to Hoe Vineyards, Bluebird Grain Farms, River Willow Farm, Old Barn Farm, Willowbrook Farm, Applecart Fruits, Bunny Laine Fruit, Filaree Farm, Yonder Farm, and Bartella Farm. The night will begin with wine and hors d’oeuvres followed by a farm to table dinner. All food and wine will be locally sourced. Purchase your ticket.
Ready to join the Salmon-Sa...
Salmon-Safe is expanding in...
Interior Columbia
Monday, August 5 2024