Salmon-Safe Wines Catching on in the Northwest

News Friday, August 20 2010

You may have seen the words "Salmon Safe" on the wine list at your favorite restaurant. It’s an earth-friendly practice that seems to be catching on in the Northwest and the Walla Walla Valley. According to the Salmon-Safe website, it says it "helps vineyards protect and restore salmon habitat by planting trees on streams, growing cover crops to control run-off, and apply natural methods to control weeds and pests." In Walla Walla, some growers have started Vinea, a trust of growers using salmon safe and sustainable practices. Jean-Francois Pellet, chair of Vinea and winemaker at Pepper Bridge, a certified Salmon Safe winery, says growers have to meet certain guidelines for more than two years in order to have their vineyards certified. He explains, "The biggest guidelines are toward the water and protection of the salmon." Here’s the link to watch it.